
School of Agro-Industry

The School aims to provide high quality teaching and research in areas of food science and technology and postharvest technology with professional ethics and responsibility to maintain and enhance professional competent by continuing updating and improving their knowledge and proficiency in its application.

List of All Study Programmes

  • Bachelor’s Degree
    • Innovative Food Science and Technology
    • Postharvest Technology and Logistics
    • Dual Bachelor's Degree Programmes
      - Postharvest Technology and Logistics 
      - Logistics and Supply Chain Management 
  • Master’s Degree
    • Innovative Food Science and Technology
    • Postharvest Technology and Innovation
  • Doctoral Degree
    • Innovative Food Science and Technology


School directory

Asst. Prof. Dr.Chutamat Niwat

Asst. Prof. Dr.Chutamat Niwat

Lecturer in Food Science and Technology Programme

Tel: +66 (0) 5391 6749
E-mail: chutamat@mfu.ac.th


Ph.D.  Food and Nutrition Sciences, University of Reading, United Kingdom
M.Sc.    Food Science, Kasetsart university, Thailand
B.Sc. Food Science and Technology, Chiang Mai University, Thailand



  • Food and Nutrition
  • Food Processing
  • Functional foods



Bshusal, P.R. and Niwat, C. 2019. Effect of banana (Musa sapientum L.) peel extract on lipid oxidation of fired mung dalmoth during storage. Proceedings of the 21st Food Innovation Asia Conference 2019. Bangkok, Thailand. 9-17.

Bundasakpisal, K. and Niwat, C. 2019. The effect of ultrasonic-assisted extraction condition on bioactive compounds and antioxidant activities of colored rice. Proceedings of the 21st Food Innovation Asia Conference 2019. Bangkok, Thailand. 42-50.

Hutauruk, L. and Niwat, C. 2019. Germinated black rice milk enriched with Cordycep millitaris as functional beverage products. Proceedings of the 21st Food Innovation Asia Conference 2019. Bangkok, Thailand. 213-220.

Yensirikul, J. and Niwat, C. 2019. The effect of gelling agents and high pressure processing conditions on physical, chemical, and microbial properties of healthy jelly product for elderly people. Proceedings of the 21st Food Innovation Asia Conference 2019. Bangkok, Thailand. 221-229.

Sonthong, J., Kanitsatranont, K. and Niwat, C. 2018. Physicochemical properties and bioactive compound of holy basil powder from spray-dreid encapsulation with maltodextrin and gum arabic. The Journal of KMUTNB. 28(2):439-452.

Thao, N.T.T. and Niwat, C. 2018. Effect of germinated colored rice on bioactive compounds and quality of fresh germinated colored rice noodle. KMUTNB: International Journal of Applied Science and Technology. 11(1): 27-37.

Thuengtung, S., Niwat, C., Tamura, M. and Ogawa, Y. 2018. In vitro starch examination of starch digestibility and changes in antioxidant activities of selected cooked pigmented rice. Food Bioscience. 23:129-136.

Wiriya, K., Losirikul, K. and Niwat, C. 2018. Development of healthy snack bar from germinated sweet corn. Proceedings of the 20th Food Innovation Asia Conference 2018. Bangkok, Thailand. xx Siritham, F.,

Chinthannukul, P. and Niwat, C. 2018. Effect of different type and concentration of gelling agent on physical and chemical properties of energy gel product from honey. Proceedings of the 20th Food Innovation Asia Conference 2018. Bangkok, Thailand. xx



Contact School

School of Agro-Industry

Mae Fah Luang University

333 Moo1, Thasud, Muang, Chiang Rai 57100
0 5391 6738
0 5391 6739