
MFU Environmental Health Lecturer Represents Thailand in an Interactive Dialogue with Nobel Laureates

     Dr.Vivat Keawdounglek, a lecturer of the Environmental Health programme, the School of Health Science was selected and funded by the Thailand Science Research and Innovation (TRSI) to be the representative of Thailand in the STS Forum Young Leaders Programme held online on 30 September 2021. 

     The panelists suggested that the teaching and the development of research skills should have been started at primary or secondary schools in order to inspire students to conduct research. Such inspiration would lead to the development of the next generation of promising researchers. We also should teach young people that research is not a difficult thing. On the other hand, it is a challenge of solving problem or an enjoyment in using their skills to solve problem. In addition, Thailand should provide the private sector with the additional support measures for research.

    The “Young Leaders Programme” was an interactive and productive discussions between young leaders and Nobel Laureates in a friendly atmosphere. The programme was held by the Japan Science and Technology Agency (JST) and the Science and Technology in Society forum (STS forum) as a part of the STS forum: the 18th Annual Meeting, a platform for the world leaders to gather and discuss various issues related to science and technology. This year, the Young Leaders Programme invited 19 Nobel laureates and over 100 young leaders (including academics, policy makers, business leaders, journalists and others) who bear the future of humankind to build networks with the world’s top leaders and be part of the emerging movement to resolve the new types of problems stemming from the application of science and technology.

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