
Asian International Mobility for Students (AIMS) Programme


AIMS programme, formally known as M-I-T, aims to create a vibrant student mobility programme for citizens of all SEAMEO member countries. It has emerged from the Malaysia-Indonesia-Thailand (M-I-T) Student Mobility Pilot Project which was initiated in 2009 as collaboration between the governments of the 3 countries and SEAMEO RIHED. With growing regional and international interest in the Programme, AIMS has expanded to include 9 member countries including Brunei Darussalam, Indonesia, Malaysia, the Philippines, Thailand, Vietnam, Singapore, Japan and Korea. The Programme currently covers 10 study fields, including Hospitality and Tourism, Agriculture, Language and Culture, International Business, Food Science and Technology, Engineering, Economics, Environmental Management and Science, Biodiversity and Marine Science. By 2015, it has been ambitiously agreed as a short-term goal among AIMS member countries that at least 500 students will be mobilized across the region, with expanding disciplines as well as membership.

In MFU, we offer 3 disciplines under AIMS which are Food Science and Technology, Biodiversity and Tourism. All courses are taught in English.

Food Science and Technology (School of Agro-Industry)




Bogor Agricultural University


Universiti Putra Malaysia (UPM)

Universiti Sains Malaysia (USM)

Universiti Teknologi MARA (UiTM)


Central Bicol State University of Agriculture (CBSUA)

University of The Philippines (UP)

University of Santo Tomas (UST)


Nong Lam University

Thai Nguyen University of Agriculture and Forestry (TUAF)


Hiroshima University
Tokyo University of Agriculture and Technology
University of Tsukuba (UT)

Biodiversity (School of Science)




University Brunei Darussalam (UBD)


University of Tsukuba (UT)

INDONESIA Padjajaran University
Sriwijaya University


Universiti Malaysia Sabah (USM)

Universiti Malaysia Sabah (UMS)
Universiti Malaysia Terengganu (UMT)
VIETNAM Thai Nguyen University of Agriculture and Forestry (TUAF)

  • Semester I : Early August to Late December
  • Semester II : Early January to Late May

  • Semester I : 30 June every year
  • Semester II : 30 November every year

  1. Contact the International Office of your Home University (Please see a list of courses offered and research topics from this link
  2. If qualified, the international office of your home university will suggest you to fill in the online application form (Application Deadline on June 30th, 2025 for the 1st semester / November 30th, 2025 for the 2nd Semester)
  3. The Global Relations Division (GRD), MFU will send the application form and related document to the School
  4. The School will send the result back to GRD within 2-3 weeks
  5. GRD will issue the Acceptance Letter to the international office of your home university by email and post (within two-three weeks after submitted completed application materials)
  6. GRD will send original copy of the Acceptance Letter by postal mail to your home university
  7. If qualified, you should apply for Non-Immigrant entry visa code “ED” (Student VISA) to the nearest Thai Embassy in your country
  8. Fill in the Arrival Form  before traveling to MFU (at least 7 days in advance) (We’ll provide the pick-up service for you-free of charge).
  9. Arrival in Chiang Rai, Thailand

  1. Application Form (Download HERE)
  2. One original copy of ‘Academic Transcript’ - in English
  3. One original copy of ‘Certificate of Enrollment’ - in English
  4. ‘Letter of Recommendation’ from student academic adviser in your School/Faculty, performance – in English
  5. A ‘Study Plan’ (personal essay, 1 ~ 1.5p) – in English
  6. One copy of passport (the page with the photograph)
  7. One Medical certificate
  8. Course Registration form or Research Topic Registration Form (Please download a list of course offered and research topic, HERE)

  1. Visa application form completely filled out (You are required to apply for Thai visa from a Royal Thai Embassy or a Royal Thai Consulate-General in your country).
  2. Passport with validity not less than 6 months.
  3. A recent 4×6 cm. photograph (less than 6 months old)
  4. Letter of Acceptance from the host university (MFU)
  5. Certificate of student status and academic transcript from home university (your current university)

Note: Additional documents may be requested by Consular officers in additional to the documents above. Please note that Consular Officers reserve to the right to require additional documents, or an interview, as deemed necessary, without prior notice.  The Royal Thai Embassy/ The Royal Thai-Consulate General reserves the right not to accept any visa application whereby any required document is absent. 

Reference: http://www.consular.go.th/main/contents/filemanager/ThaiVisaInformation/5%20Visa%20requirements%20ED.jpg

Please send us the flight details of arrival for us to arrange the airport pick-up service by fill in this form

University Total
Inbound Outbound
Bogor Agricultural University, Indonesia 56 46
Central Bicol State University of Agriculture, Philippines 2 0
Central Mindanao University, Philippines 1 0
Nong Lam University (NLU), Vietnam 25 5
Sriwijaya University (SU), Indonesia 3 0
Thai Nguyen University of Agriculture and Forestry (TUAF), Vietnam 8 0
Universiti Brunei Darussalam (UBD), Brunei Darussalam 10 4
Universiti Malaysia Sabah (UMS), Malaysia 14 16
Universiti Putra Malaysia (UPM), Malaysia 14 17
Universiti Sains Malaysia (USM), Malaysia 30 27
Universiti Malaysia Terengganu (UMT) , Malaysia 0 1
University of Santo Tomas (UST), Philippines 15 0
University of Tsukuba (UT), Japan 9 12
University Teknologi MARA (UiTM), Malaysia 29 9
Total 216 137

As of the 2nd semester of academic year 2019