
Call for Applications! Reinventing University System 2021 (the 2nd Round of Consideration for the Year 2022)

     According  to  the  policy  of  the  Ministry  of  Higher  Education,  Science, Research  and Innovation under  the  Reinventing  University  System  project, Mae  Fah  Luang University  has participated in the Global & Frontier Research cluster. The universities in this cluster mainly focus on conducting frontier research or research  in  a  specific field and helping  talented  people  to initiate research that will contribute to international collaboration.The universities also highlight producing graduates  who  will  be  researchers  or  publish  papers  in  the  international  journals  in order to answer the need of global labour market.

     To  achieve  the  goal  of  becoming  the  Global  &  Frontier  Research  University,  MFU  has organised four programmes which are

1. Visiting Scholars for World Class Research Collaboration-Onsite Programme  
    (2 scholarships available)
2. Visiting Scholars for World Class Research Collaboration-Online Programme
    (2 scholarships available)
3. Outbound Research Exchange for Excellence Research Collaboration Programme in ASEAN and ROC Taiwan
    (5 scholarships available)
4. Inbound Research Exchange for Excellence Research Collaboration Programme
    (2 scholarships available)

     For the programme details and application form, please download here

 **** The application deadline is 18 April 2022.

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