
MFU Students Join KMUTNB Leadership Camp 2022: Going Global (Online Programme)

     On 28 - 30 June 2022, Mr. Ye Swun Moe Khant, a first-year student from the School of Management and Mr. Kaung Htet Wai, a first-year student, from the School of Health Science participated in KMUTNB Leadership Camp 2022: Going Global which was held virtually by the International Cooperation Centre (ICC), King Mongkut's University of Technology North Bangkok (KMUTNB), Thailand. 

     This programme aimed to promote the Internationalization at Home (IaH) and to put the use of global essential skills needed to achieve the SMART people standard as a global citizen into practice such as English communication skill, leadership skill, digital literacy for disruptive world, and cross-cultural skill. The programme brought together international students and Thai students from several universities to practice skills of public speaking, discussion and presentation skills as well as to learn the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).

     MFU students reflected that during the programme, they learned how to be a future leader for the community, how to inspire others to be productive in the present and future, how the SDGs are important to an individual and the world, and most importantly, how an individual can contribute to the SDGs.

     Altogether, MFU has always encouraged students to engage in dialogue or discussion on SDGs in order to increase their understanding on SDGs and share ideas on what they can do to take action to achieve the SDGs. The active participation and leadership skills acquired during the activities will help prepare them to become effective global citizen in the future. 

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