
Call for Panelists: FBMP RESEARCH COLLOQUIUM 2022

The Faculty of Business Management and Professional Studies (FBMP), Management and Science University, Malaysia would like to invite Professor/ Doctor/ Lecturer to join as panellist for the Research Colloquium 2022

With a theme of “Post-Pandemic Sustainability and Challenges”, this colloquium intends to help students to embrace the experience of presenting their research outputs at academic events, give students the benefit of broad comments and critique by panels, also to showcase student research so that it can more effectively be communicated to the public. It would be a highly meaningful experience for participants because it provides information that promotes critical thinking, application skills and level of participation among students. 

Therefore, we cordially invite you to share your experience and knowledge in the area of Finance, Islamic Finance, Accounting, Investment and Business Management (Human Capital Management; Industrial Management, Logistics Management; Entrepreneurship and of Office Management Technology) as a panelist for this student research colloquium.  

Details of the event are as follows:  

Date: 20 & 21 December 2020 (Wednesday and Thursday) 
Venue (Physical): PAT and Classroom Level 8, MSU, 40100, Shah Alam, Selangor 
Venue (Hybrid): Zoom Platform (link will be provided) 

Please upload your Curriculum Vitae at https://forms.gle/Q6HSA3S4gP4mVrKj8 if you agree to become one of panellists for this event before 9 December 2022.  

For further inquiries, please reach out to us at fbmprcc@msu.edu.my



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