

The 15th Malaysia International Genetics Congress (MiGC15)

We are pleased to announce that the Genetics Society of Malaysia (Persatuan Genetik Malaysia, PGM) together with the Malaysia Genome and Vaccine Institute (MGVI) and collaborated with the Department of Biomedical Sciences, Faculty of Medicine & Health Sciences, Universiti Putra Malaysia (UPM) and supported by various institutions in Malaysia will be organising the 15th Malaysia International Genetics Congress (MiGC15) – Physical & Online mode (hybrid).

Date : 7 - 9 March 2023 (Tuesday-Thursday)
Venue : Bangi Resort Hotel, Selangor, Malaysia
The theme for the congress is “Genetics Advances Life”.
More information & online registration on MiGC15 can be obtained at https://submit.confbay.com/conf/migc15

The conference organizer cordially invites academics, practitioners, scholars, researches, policy makers and postgraduate students to participate whether as presenter or participant in this coming congress.

This 2-day congress and 1-day educational visit will discuss the latest advances, progress, and achievements in the field of genetics and genomics with a highlight on immunogenetics. More than 15 invited speakers will be presenting their views and findings in this congress. The congress will provide opportunities and gather as many geneticists, breeders, scientists, researchers, academicians, biotechnologists, industrialists and students to share their latest knowledge, experiences and achievements.

  • Authors are invited to submit papers for oral and poster presentations.
  • Authors are given opportunities to either submit an abstract, extended abstract or full paper.
  • Registration and submission of the abstract/paper can be made via online registration through this link: https://submit.confbay.com/conf/migc15
  • Abstract submission deadline: 31 January 2023
  • Extended abstract & full paper submission deadline: 10 February 2023.

Selected full papers will be offered to be published in the following journals:

1. Malaysian Journal of Biochemistry & Molecular Biology (MJBMB) E-ISSN 2600-9005, indexed by SCOPUS and MYCITE with a publication fee (special issue)
2. Malaysian Journal of Genetics (MJG), e-ISSN: 2811-3594 INDEXED BY MyJurnal with a publication fee (special issue)

All accepted extended abstracts or full papers will be offered to be published in the Transactions of PGM, in short the tPGM with ISBN. The Transactions is the Society’s scientific publication. It is published periodically and will be freely downloadable from PGM website (https://www.pgm-my.org/)

Shall you have any enquires, feel free to contact the organizing committee at migc.secretariat@gmail.com

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