
Call for Participation: ASEAN BCG Researcher Development Program 2023

ASEAN BCG Researcher Development Program 2023


     The National Science and Technology Development Agency (NSTDA), Ministry of Higher Education, Science, Research and Innovation (MHESI), Thailand and the Program Management Unit for Human Resources & Institutional Development, Research and Innovation (PMU-B) in collaboration with EURAXESS will organize "the ASEAN BCG Researcher Development Program 2023". The program aims to be a regional gathering of a new generation of researchers for skill development, especially in the areas of Bio-Circular-Green Economy (BCG), and an interaction to form future collaboration.

     The program consists of two phases:

  • The 1st phase will offer opportunities for ASEAN researchers to improve essential researcher skills such as critical thinking, science communication, and networking skills through a series of online courses.
  • In the 2nd phase, selected researchers from the 1st phase will participate in an on-site program in Thailand. Mentors will work with researchers to strengthen their proposal writing and project leadership skills and support them in developing a research funding proposal responding to global food, energy, and environmental challenges.

See program materials at https://bit.ly/3WxaXJI.

Click the link for registration or email to aseanbcg@nstda.or.th. 

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