
Global Sustainable Development Congress 2023

You are invited to join "the Global Sustainable Development Congress 2023" at King Abdullah University of Science and Technology (KAUST) in Saudi Arabia from 30 May – 1 June. 

The congress will feature a range of topics, all of which are framed around the urgent actions that universities must take to help society meet the SDGs. By integrating thought-provoking panels with collaborative workshops, the event will deliver bold insights and forge powerful new alliances between sectors.

In addition, the results of the THE Impact Rankings 2023 will be revealed at the congress, alongside extensive masterclasses on how to use the global data. More than 1,700 institutions have submitted data to participate in the fifth edition of the rankings.

Super early bird offer: Book before Thursday 16 March and save US$215 on the price of an in-person ticket.

**Delegates are responsible for reserving and covering the cost of accommodation for the duration of their stay in Saudi Arabia. 

A shuttle bus will be provided to transport delegates to the event venue from hotels in King Abdullah Economic City and Jeddah. Please visit website for further details.


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