
MFU Students Join the OCA Northern Thai Visit Project with Students from Chulalongkorn University and Keio University

Categories: ข่าวภาษาอังกฤษ

     On 27 – 29 March 2023, MFU students and lecturer joined the OCA Northern Thai Visit Project held by MRA Foundation Off Campus International Exchange (OCA), Japan at Mae Fah Luang University and Chiang Rai province.

     The project brought together 34 students and lecturers of economics programmes from three universities: Chulalongkorn University (Thailand), Mae Fah Luang University (Thailand), and Keio University (Japan). During the project, participants visited facilities of Mae Fah Luang University and tourist attractions in Chiang Rai province to learn and explore more about culture and way of life of people in Northern Thailand. Furthermore, participants had a chance to engage in volunteer work at Mae Kok Foundation. They worked together to arrange recreational activities for kids as well as build and paint flood retaining walls. 

     The OCA (Off Campus Activities) is a division of MRA (Moral Re-Armament) Foundation which has developed exchange programmes between universities in Thailand and Japan. It aims to broaden the horizons of young people in Thailand and Japan, and continue to develop programmes that can contribute to society. Mae Fah Luang University and MRA Foundation have arranged several cultural activities together and signed the Memorandum of Agreement in 2022.  

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