
CALL FOR PAPERS AND PARTICIPATIONS: 3rd International Conference on Semiconductor Materials and Technology (ICoSeMT 2023) and 2nd International Invention, Innovation & Design Expo (INoDEx 2023)

The 3rd International Conference on Semiconductor Materials and Technology (ICoSeMT 2023) 
The 2nd International Invention, Innovation & Design Expo (INoDEx 2023) 

     The 3rd International Conference on Semiconductor Materials and Technology (3rd ICoSeMT 2023) is a biennial event that is jointly organized by Institute of Nano Optoelectronics Research and Technology (INOR), Universiti Sains Malaysia (USM), Universiti Teknologi MARA Cawangan Pulau Pinang (UiTMCPP), Collaborative Research in Engineering, Science & Technology (CREST), National Nanotechnology Centre (NNC), Ministry of Science, Technology and Innovation of Malaysia (MOSTI) and MIMOS Berhad with the Theme “Innovation Towards A Sustainable Tomorrow”. The primary focus of the conference is to create an effective medium for institutions and industries to share ideas, knowledge, and expertise in the fields related to Semiconductor Materials and Technology. 

This year, with the aim to promote positive innovation culture and encourage innovation activities and from different walks of life, a sub-event entitled 2nd International Invention, Innovation & Design Expo (INoDEx 2023) is going to be held concurrently. This sub-event will be a great platform in creating opportunities for local and international participants to present their innovations and inventions. Eventually, both events will lead to interaction and future collaboration among the local and international participants. 

We would like to invite local and international participants to submit an abstract and extended abstract to two upcoming events of 3rd International Conference on Semiconductor Materials and Technology (ICoSeMT 2023) and 2nd International Invention, Innovation & Design Expo (INoDEx 2023) which will be held on 18th to 19th September 2023. ICoSeMT 2023 will take place at SHANGRI-LA RASA SAYANG, PENANG, MALAYSIA while INoDEx 2023 will be held online.

Website: http://icosemt.usm.my/ 

For ICoSeMT 2023, submit your Abstract via our submission system at:

For INoDEx 2023, submit your Extended Abstract via submission system (for registration) at:


Important Dates 

ICoSeMT 2023 

Abstract Deadline 

1 August 2023 

Notification of Acceptance 

1 August 2023 

Registration and Payment Deadline  

6 August 2023 

Full Paper Submission Deadline 

19 September 2023 

Conference Date 

18 & 19 September 2023 




INoDEx 2023 

Registration Deadline  

1 August 2023 

Notification of Acceptance 

1 Week after abstract submission 

Extended Abstract Submission Deadline 

1 August 2023 

Payment Deadline 

6 August 2023 

Video Submission Deadline 

18 August 2023 





ICoSeMT 2023 

Presenter (Student) 


Presenter (Others) 

RM 1600 

Presenter (International) 

USD 500 

Listener (Local) 

RM 1400 

Listener (International) 

USD 400 



INoDEx 2023 

School Students 

RM 150 

School Students (Int.) 

USD 150 

University Students and Technical Institution Students 

RM 250 

University Students and Technical Institution Students (Int.) 

USD 250 

Academician, Industry and Proffesionals 

RM 400 

Academician, Industry and Proffesionals (Int.) 





For further inquiries, please contact:  

ICoSeMT 2023 

Dr. Mundzir Abdullah (Registration)  

   · Tel/WhatsApp: +604-653 5648 

Pn. Nur Afiqah Md Rejab (General Query)  

   · Tel/WhatsApp: +604-653 5637 

Email: icosemt@usm.my 

INoDEx 2023 

Dr. Ainorkhilah Mahmood  

   · Tel/WhatsApp: +604-382 3323 

Ts. Anith Nuraini Abd Rashid   

   · Tel/WhatsApp: +6010-395 6546 

Email: inodex@usm.my 



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