
UTAR Popular Science Series: How to turn an Engineer into an Inventor?

Engineers are trained to solve problems with their knowledge of science and mathematics to create solutions that make our lives easier and more efficient. But what if an engineer wants to go beyond solving problems and creating something new, or what if they want to be an inventor?

The path from engineer to inventor is not always easy. It requires creativity, perseverance, and a willingness to take risks. But it is also a rewarding path that can lead to a lifetime of innovation.

The Division of Community and International Networking is honored to invite Mr. Tee, the Founder and Managing Director of Intrix Group to share his experiences and journey on how to turn an engineer into an inventor. Through this session, he will also share what is required and what are the processes for turning an engineer to an innovator.

UTAR's partner universities students and staff are cordially invited to attend the free webinar. The webinar details are provided as follows:

Topic: How to turn an Engineer into an Inventor?
Date: 20 July 2023 (Thursday)
Time: 2pm – 3:30pm
Platform: Zoom
Speaker: Mr. Tee Tone Vei, the Founder and Managing Director of Intrix Group

Webinar contents:
1. Shifting Perspectives: Discovering Undiscovered Needs
2. Inventive Exploration: Revealing Disruptive Solutions
3. From Idea to Validation: Proving the Concept's Worth
4. Safeguarding Your Invention: The Importance of Intellectual Property
5. Bringing Inventions to Life: Completing the Product
6. From Concept to Market: Commercializing Your Inventions
7. Case Study: From Wishlist to Success

Admission is free! Registration link at https://forms.microsoft.com/r/Y0BQW6xy6F

For any inquiry please contact Ms Ally at dcinternet@utar.edu.my

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