
Call for Submissions and Participations: Moving Forward in Unity 2023 (MFIU 2023)

     The School of Nursing of Mae Fah Luang University will host the 2nd International Conference on Moving Forward in Unity at Mae Fah Luang University, Chiang Rai, Thailand. The theme of this year's conference, "Innovative Solutions for Global Aging and Dementia in the Digital Era: Nursing and Multidisciplinary Perspectives," reflects our dedication to exploring pioneering approaches in addressing the global challenges and opportunities stemming from aging and dementia.

     The 2nd International Conference on Moving Forward in Unity 2023 will feature keynote addresses from experts in various fields, research presentations by renowned professionals, and stimulating debates by guest speakers. The conference will bring together nurses, faculty members, researchers, and individuals interested in caring for the elderly who have dementia and the application of technology and innovative concepts to connect and advance their knowledge. Additionally, the conference aims to establish a network of nurses and multidisciplinary teams dedicated to providing comprehensive care, education, and research in the context of an aging society.

1. Healthy aging
2. Changing communities: age-friendly environments
3. Challenges in adopting emerging innovations and technologies in the aged care
4. Interdisciplinary approaches to living well with dementia
5. Palliative care


  • Abstract submission: now - Sep 30, 2023
  • Notification of abstract acceptance: Depending on the review process
  • Full paper submission deadline: 30 Sep 2023
  • Notification of full paper acceptance: Depending on the review process


Type of registration Online Onsite
Early Bird Rate For Thai people 1000 THB 2800 THB
Early Bird Rate for international participant 100 USD 150 USD
Normal Rate For Thai people 1200 THB 3000 THB
Normal Rate for international participant 120USD 200USD
Alumni 1000 THB 2500 THB

For more information, please visit https://mfiu-aging2023.mfu.ac.th

or contact Email address: mfiu.aging2023@mfu.ac.th 

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