
Call for Participants: The 3rd International Joint Symposium 2023 (ISAFS2023) for Students

The School of Agro-Industry, Mae Fah Luang University would like to invite students and academics to join the 3rd International Joint Symposium 2023 (ISAFS2023) which will be organised on 9 September 2023. This symposium is the platform for the students in the field of Food science and technology as well as postharvest and agriculture (at all levels) to present their research work using an online platform. We hope that this symposium will provide an environmentally friendly platform for students to share their research experiences and ideas. Apart from the academic aspect, it will be a wonderful opportunity for building a network and opening up possibilities for future collaborations and friendships.

The symposium will be organised using an online platform via ZOOM meeting. Last year, it was a great success that we hosted 31 presenters and 80 participants from 8 countries in the event. Your presence would add significant value to the symposium as a whole.

Please register by 15 August and submit the abstract (using the provided template) on 30 August to the corresponding email (nattaya.kon@mfu.ac.th) (no registration fee).

For those who would like to attend without presentation can also register. The students need to submit only abstract and prepare the PPT for presentation. The presentation time and slot will be announced later after the program is set.


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