
MFU, NRCT and CMU Hold Workshop on “Bee Hive Products: Biomedical Properties” for Bee Farmers

On 27 January 2017, the School of Science, the Materials for Energy and Environment Research Group (MEE) at Mae Fah Luang University, the Faculty of Science at Chiang Mai University and the National Research Council of Thailand cooperated to hold a workshop on “Bee hive products: Biomedical properties” at MFU.

This aim of this workshop was to help bee farmers add value to their products and enhance product quality. Lecturer at the School of Science and Head of the project Dr. Uraiwan Intatha stated that nowadays the beekeeping industry in Thailand is developing and it is extremely profitable for bee farmers. However, bee farmers are facing the problem of parasitic mites which affect product quality. Another problem is the lack of value-added and marketing knowledge for honey and bee products. Therefore, this project focused on a university-community knowledge transfer to provide information about all possible contingencies in beekeeping along with the ways to add value to bee products for bee farmers.

The workshop bought in many experts as keynote speakers including lecturers at the Faculty of Science from Chiang Mai University including Assoc. Prof. Dr. Panuwan Chantawannkul; Asst. Prof. Dr. Yingmanee Tragoolpua; Asst. Prof. Dr. Sukum Eitssayeam; the officer at the Agricultural Technology Promotion Center for Economic Insects in the Chiang Mai province, Mr. Thanapong Sumpaoloy and lecturer at the School of Cosmetic Science, Asst. Prof. Dr. Mayuree Kanlayavattanakul to share their expertise with more than 100 participants.

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