
Mathematical Sciences and Technology 2024 (MathTech 2024).

Universiti Sains Malaysia will organize the International Conference on Mathematical Sciences and Technology 2024 (MathTech 2024).

Universiti Sains Malaysia invite you to participate in MathTech 2024 from the 3rd to the 5th of December 2024, to be held in Amari SPICE Penang, Bayan Lepas, Penang, Malaysia. The three-day conference consists of plenary talks, paper presentations, workshops and exhibitions. Papers submitted should be related (but not limited) to the following scopes: Pure Mathematics, Applied Mathematics, Statistics, Operations Research, Financial Mathematics, Interdisciplinary Mathematics, Complex Systems Modelling, Data Science, STEM Education and Artificial Intelligence.

The important dates of the conference are as follows:

Abstract Submission Deadline: 30th April 2024.

Early Bird Registration & Payment Deadline: 31st July 2024.

Full Paper Submission Deadline: 30th August 2024.

Regular Registration & Payment Deadline: 30th September 2024.

Please visit an official website mathtech.usm.my for further details on abstract submission and conference information.

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