
2nd International of Computational Biology and Precision Medicine (INCOBIOM) 2024

2 nd International of Computational Biology and Precision Medicine (INCOBIOM) 2024 will be held next year. This is a biennial event organized by the Faculty of Health and Life Sciences, Management and Science University (MSU), Shah Alam. Scheduled for 28th -29th February 2024.

accepting presentations of research projects, concept papers, literature reviews, case studies, and case reports on the following themes:

  • Bioinformatics (Sequence Analysis, Genomic Analysis, Proteomics, Metabolomics, Computational Drug Discovery)
  • Computational biology (Network and Pathway Analysis, Algorithm Development)
  • Precision Medicine (Genomic Medicine, Pharmacogenomics)
  • Data Science (Big Data Analytics, Machine Learning in Biology)
  • Artificial Intelligence, Data Mining and Knowledge Discovery Genomics (Comparative Genomics, Whole Genome Sequencing, Functional Genomics)
  • Proteomics (Protein Structure Prediction, Protein Function Annotation)
  • Systems Biology (Network Biology, Pathway Analysis)

REGISTRATION AND SUBMISSION OF ABSTRACTS: The registration form & submission of abstracts can be completed online, and proof of payment can be uploaded at this link: https://forms.gle/fFs2GwZjAvzfjwB4A

IMPORTANT DATES: The date for abstract submission is 9th February 2024 (Friday). The date for registration and payment is 23rd February 2024 (Friday).

www.msu.edu.my/events/incobiom2024/index.php for more information.



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