
The School of Cosmetic Science Holds the Special Lectures under the Reinventing University System 2023 Project

Categories: ข่าวภาษาอังกฤษ

     On 23 – 26 January 2024, the School of Cosmetic Science in collaboration with the Cosmetics for Beauty and Wellness Research Unit, Mae Fah Luang University invited Prof. Dr. Maria Pilar Vinardell from the Department of Biochemistry and Physiology, Faculty of Pharmacy and Food Sciences, University of Barcelona, Spain to give the special lectures under the Reinventing University System 2023 Project at M-Square building and E4 Building, Mae Fah Luang University. 

     During the activity, Assoc. Prof. Dr.Wandee Rungseevijitprapa, Dean of the School of Cosmetic Science delivered an opening address and Prof. Dr. Maria Pilar Vinardell delivered lectures on the topics of “Basic safety testing for cosmetic raw materials and finished products” and “Advances and trend in cosmetic products safety testing”.

     The Reinventing University project is an initiative of the Ministry of Higher Education, Science, Research, and Innovation (MHESI) aiming to reinvent Thai universities by reforming the administrative system, improving instruction and programmes to catch up with the social changes, strengthening the universities’ competitive competence and upgrading Thai university quality toward the international level. Mae Fah Luang University has participated in the Global & Frontier Research cluster under the Reinventing University System project which mainly focuses on conducting frontier research or research in a specific field and helping talented people to initiate research that will contribute to international collaboration.

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