

About the Conference

The 3rd NERPS Conference (#NERPS2024) will be held from March 6–9, 2024 at the Higashi-Hiroshima campus of Hiroshima University in Japan. The year 2024 marks the 30th anniversary of the Earth Summit and the 100th anniversary of the Geneva Conventions. In commemoration of these milestones and in celebration of the 75th anniversary of Hiroshima University’s foundation, the NERPS 2024 conference is an opportune time to renew and deepen global commitments to peace and the environment. Despite past achievements, challenges to peace and sustainability are becoming more complex and interconnected. Climate crisis, biodiversity loss, disease outbreaks, the rise of artificial intelligence, rapid urbanization, and political instabilities are just some of the global issues that could complicate peace and sustainability efforts. The NERPS 2024 Conference invites students, researchers, and practitioners to present their work and forge partnerships for transdisciplinary research and multilateral action. The conference will feature research presentations, expert roundtables, innovative workshops, and an optional excursion to the UNESCO World Heritage Site at Miyajima and the historic city of Hiroshima.

Opening Session & Keynote Addresses
March 6, 2024 (Wednesday) 10:00-11:30 JST

Register at: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSewc6ELwz99tEW7HKv-VCq6tJ1M3C9QGLnc5V2UnX-DtwQS-Q/viewform

Registration is still open for non-presenting participants!
For all interested researchers or students who missed the abstract submission deadline, we’re excited to inform you that registration for non-presenting participants is still ongoing until March 1, 2024. Visit our official page for a detailed overview of significant dates and fees. Don't miss out on the chance to be part of this enriching experience!

Register at: https://nerps.org/hiroshima_nerps2024/importantdatesfees/

For more information please contact: nerps.org

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