
Call for Proposals - 2024 Inter-Regional Research Symposium

The 2024 SEAMEO RIHED Inter-Regional Research Symposium will be held in Bangkok, Thailand on 20 - 22 November 2024.

The Theme of the 2024 Symposium is ‘Transforming Higher Education: Towards Sustainable Development’ which delves into the multifaceted changes and innovations required to shape the future landscape of higher education. The discourse around transformation encompasses diverse perspectives on instruction, technology, and institutional frameworks, reflecting the evolving nature of higher education in response to contemporary challenges. With the overarching theme, the symposium welcomes the proposal related to three thematic tracks as follows:

1. Digital Sustainability: Navigating Digital Transformation in Higher Education

This track examines the multifaceted landscape of integrating digital technologies, especially artificial intelligence (AI), into higher education. 

2. Flexible Pathways: Fostering Lifelong Learning

This theme aims to explore the role of lifelong and flexible learning through various forms and approaches including micro-credentials in promoting a responsive and inclusive learning environment.

3. Climate Actions: Advancing a Sustainable Future through Higher Education’s Role in Climate Change

This track addresses higher education action-oriented initiatives that contribute to climate action, including the integration of sustainability principles into curricula, strategies for fostering a culture of environmental stewardship, and the evaluation of higher education’s impact on climate resilience.

Additionally, over the course of two days- the symposium will consist of the Regional Policy Dialogue, Gender Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion tracking, Plenary and Keynote Presentations Concurrent Presentations of Original Researcher, and Networking Session with other stakeholders including international organisation, government officials, university leaders, educators, entrepreneurs, and many more!        

The deadline for early proposal submission is 8 May 2024, please visit rihed.seameo.org/2024-Symposium/ for more information.

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