
Law Students Win First Prize in Moot Court Competition

On 31 March 2017, two fourth-year students from the School of Law at MFU Mr. Sipachoke Jirapinyatorn and Miss Karaket Chaidee received the first place award and certificates from Judge at the Court of Appeals Mr. Pongdej Wanichkittikul for their achievement in the moot court competition (academic year 2016) at Thammasat University.The winning students were supervised by Mrs. Avika Pollamai and Assist. Prof. Suchin Kritalukvong.

The Moot Court Competition is a national competition organized by the Court of Justice, the Office of the Attorney General in Thailand, the Lawyer Council under the Royal Patronage and the Faculty of Law at Thammasat University to help law students develop their proficiency in law. This year only 16 universities were chosen to participate in the competition.

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