
Agro-Industry Lecturers Seize Research Awards in HERP Congress V

Three lecturers at the School of Agro-Industry received Excellent Paper awards in the 5th Higher Education Research Promotion Congress V (HERP Congress V) during 2-4 March 2017 at Udon Thani Rajabhat University. This year, the conference was held under the theme “From local wisdom to international innovative research” to provide a platform for researchers to present their research and share work experiences.

Dr. Piyaporn Chueamchaitrakun, a co-researcher of the development of high calcium and fiber soybean bread project, earned the Excellent Paper award for a poster presentation in ‘the integration of local wisdom, science and technology into innovation category’. The main objective of this research was to develop a bread making process and recipe by using preserved soybean flour instead of wheat flour. Soybeans are a good source of protein and dietary fiber; therefore, soybean bread can be an alternative choice for people with healthy lifestyle. The local wisdom of preservation processing can be transferred to an interested group for commercial purposes and for maintaining the knowledge of indigenous peoples.

Furthermore, Assist. Prof. Dr. Phunsiri Suthilukand Assist. Prof. Dr. Sutthiwal Setha received the Excellent Paper award in ‘the science and technology research from 20 autonomous universities category’ with their study of Phulae pineapple preservation and quality control by using a dry mist humidifying system (DMHS). This study aimed to develop and build a dry mist humidifying system (DMHS) for application in a cold storage area. The results showed that this system could extend the product’s shelf life, which is very beneficial for transportation and for increasing exporting opportunities.

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