
The Special programme 'Thai-China Youth Exchange Programme'

MFU is calling for applications to participate in The Special programme “Thai-China Youth Exchange Programme” during 15-19 May 2017 at Kunming, Yunnan province, the People’s Republic of China

Chiang Rai province signed a sister-city relationship between Yunnan province, China and Chiang Rai province, Thailand. In order to promote understanding and friendship between the youth of both coutires, Chiang Rai Provincial Office and Yunnan Provincial People’s Association for Friendship with Foreign Coutries has co-organize the special programme

“Thai-China Youth Exchange Programme” to build knowledge on Thai-China culture as well as to promote the cooperation network and good relationship between the youth in both coutries through seminar on “The Belt & Road Initiative Cooperation and the Chinese & Thai Youth Exchange”, cultural activities and site visits in Yunnan province, China


Project Detail and Application Form [ 163.77 KB]

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