
The 12th LANCHANG-MEKONG Youth Friendship Programme 13 March 2016 at 10.30-15.30 hrs.

MFU is calling for applications to participate in The 12th Lanchange-Mekong Youth Friendship Programme at MFU. The programme will be held on 13 March 2016 at 10.30-15.30 hrs. (1 day activities)

MFU and the Department of Children and Youth (DCY), Ministry of Social Development and Human Security of Thailand were welcome the delegates of the 12th Lanchang-Mekong Youth Friedship Programme and co-organize the special activities to build knowledge on Thai culture by set up the mixed art workshop, which will include Thai performing arts, Banana leaf folding and Paper cutting Handicrafts in Thai Lanna style for participants on 13 March 2016 in MFU. The Programme hosted by DCY and China Youth Federation to promote the cooperation network and good relationship between the youth in the GMS countries including Cambodia, China, Myanmar, Lao, Thailand and Vietnam.

Date: 13 March 2016

Venue: MFU

  • Project Detail [ 132.83 KB]
  • Announemence for The 12th Lanchange-Mekong Youth Friendship Programme [ 592.88 KB]
  • 12th Lanchang Mekong Youth Application Form [ 310.67 KB]
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