
International Education Fair Myanmar 2017

          Administrative Officers of the International Affairs Division, Mr. Supavij Vejpisitpakorn and Ms. Yu Thinzar Aung visited Myanmar to participate in the International Education Fair Myanmar 2017 from 8-14 June 2017.

          The International Education Fair Myanmar 2017 was organized by The Dagon Exhibitions at Tatmadaw Hall in Yangon, Myanmar. This year, 50 international schools, international colleges, higher education institutes and vocational schools from many countries including Myanmar, United Kingdom, Malaysia, Singapore, South Korea and Thailand participated in the education fair and showcased their education offering.

          Over 500 participants including parents, teachers and students were interested in Mae Fah Luang University and requested a relevant and updated information on university which included open days, programmes offering for international students, as well as a partial scholarship to Myanmar student who has strong academic backgrounds to excel in their area of study at MFU. Particularly, most Myanmar students were interested in the programmes of Business Administration and Information Technology.

          Moreover, MFU representatives also visited five private high schools including Thiha Academy Private High School, Sayar Pyae Private Boarding School, OIAC Private High School, AEC Private High School, and ACA Private High School and also visited the Prospect Myanmar at Hledan Centre, a non-political organization that supports the education of Burmese people to promote and publicize Mae Fah Luang University, facilitates, programmes and scholarship to the principals, teachers and officers.

          Furthermore, there were discussions of academic cooperation between MFU representatives and the private high schools’ principals aiming to extend their relations as well as further academic collaborations in student exchanges.

          In this academic year 2016, there are 33 Myanmar students pursuing their education at MFU which include 2 doctoral degree students, 7 master’s degree students and 24 bachelor’s degree students.In addition, MFU has welcomed 138 Myanmar alumni within 2002-2015 academic year. Therefore, the visit to Myanmar was a good opportunity to provide Myanmar students with an up-to-date information about MFU and help them find the appropriate choice for their education and future careers as well.

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