
MFU Launches Its New School of Integrative Medicine

Categories: ข่าวภาษาอังกฤษ

     On 17 July 2019, Mae Fah Luang University officially introduced its new School, “the School of Integrative Medicine” to the public.

      The School of Integrative Medicine was established on 1 June 2019 as Mae Fah Luang University's 15th School of  The brand-new School has been split from the School of Health Science. It offers three essential undergraduate programmes including Applied Thai Traditional Medicine, Traditional Chinese Medicine and Physical Therapy. The School also provides three short-term International Training Programmes on Thai-Lanna Wellness and Spas, Integrative Medicine for Health and Wellness Management as well as Traditional Chinese Medicine Field Training.

      In 2020, the School is planning to offer two postgraduate programmes in Integrative Medicine and Physical Therapy.

      The President of Mae Fah Luang University, Assoc. Prof. Dr. Chayaporn Wattanasiri stated that the new School was established to advance the competency of graduates providing instruction of professional and international standards. By focusing on an integrated instruction, students will be able to conduct research and apply its results to improve healthcare services and create health innovations. The research excellence and innovation will support the expansion of the world’s comprehensive healthcare industry and healthcare business. Moreover, the School of Integrative Medicine has a mission to cooperate with Mae Fah Luang University Medical Center Hospital and the Wellness Center in integrating alternative and conventional medicine to provide the best healthcare services for people.

      Acting Dean of the School of Integrative Medicine, Sulukkana Noiprasert, MD added that under the School of Health Science, MFU has offered the Applied Thai Traditional Medicine since 2005, Physical Therapy since 2007 and Traditional Chinese Medicine programmes since 2014. To develop the quality of teaching and research excellence, the School of Health Science developed academic collaboration for exchange of students, faculty members and research with international universities such as Xiamen University, Yunnan University, Guangzhou University and the School of Natural Product Studies, Jadavpur University.

     Since the beginning of the operation, Applied Thai Traditional Medicine and Physical Therapy programmes have produced 188 and 252 graduates respectively. While, the first batch of Traditional Chinese Medicine students, are expected to graduate in the academic year 2019. Most of graduates are now working in both the private and public sectors.           

      Additionally, on the occasion of the upcoming 21th anniversary of its establishment, Mae Fah Luang University will co-host the 45th Congress on Science and Technology of Thailand (STT 45) under the theme of “Seedling Innovation for Sustainable Development” from the 7th to the 9th of October 2019.

     Furthermore, the School of Integrative Medicine will hold the international symposium “The 1st Internationnal Conference on Integrative Medicine” in collaboration with the STT 45. This international conference offers a platform for researchers, academics and entrepreneurs to present and exchange their research results and innovations in the areas of Ethnopharmacology, Traditional Medicine, Complementary Medicine as well as Rehabilitation and Movement Therapies. 


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