
MFU Capacity Building on Quality Assurance Development Project

To ensure the quality of study programmes, Mae Fah Luang University organized the “MFU Capacity Building on Quality Assurance Development Project” on 20-22 January 2020 at Mae Fah Luang University. The purpose of the programme was to establish a better understanding of Outcome-Based Education and ASEAN University Network Quality Assurance (AUN-QA) for 40 MFU academics.

The project offered the seminar and consultation workshops under a topic of “Quality Assurance – the key factor of institutional transformation in higher education” presented by Mr. Johnson Ong Chee Bin, AUN-QA Technical Expert from Singapore and Dr. Jenny Ngoc, AUN-QA Assessor and Lecturer from Vietnam National University-Ho Chi Minh City.

With encouraging and intensive content, the project advanced the participants’ understanding on Outcome-Based Education (OBE) for Quality Education, Higher Education Trends in Disruptive World as well as enabled them to exchange perspectives on preparation to apply AUN-QA system in study programme and change management toward QA cooperation. Altogether, MFU is making every effort to raise academic standards and enhance the quality of management, research,  study programmes and teaching to meet international standards.


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