
The Project Presentations and Closing Ceremony of MFU Young University Leaders

On 25 May 2020, the project presentations and closing ceremony of MFU Young University Leaders was held by the Global Relations Division at MFU.

After participating in the interactive workshop trainings, 27 participants were grouped into six groups to work together towards practical solutions that are suitable for promoting an efficient university administration and improving academic excellence.

The presentation of final projects included Human Resources Development System and Human Resources Management; Integrated Research Development; Life Goal Based Education and 21st Century Skills Development; MFU Microcredentials; Organization Communication Improvement and Free Elective and Curriculum.    

The “MFU Young University Leaders” was held from 9 January – 25 May 2020 with objectives to strengthen management skills for MFU executives, to help young executives prepare for leadership roles by helping them develop knowledge and skills in strategically planning, university policies and regulations, leadership, human resources development, and internationalization. This project also aimed at enhancing the networks between participants from different departments.

Furthermore, this leadership workshop brought together 27 young executive members from 13 Schools including the School of Management, the School of Sinology, the School of Law, the School of Science, the School of Health Science, the School of Liberal Arts, the School of Agro-industry, the School of Information Technology, the School of Integrative Medicine, the School of Social Innovation, the School of Cosmetic Science, the School of Medicine, and the School of Nursing. 

On the whole, this four-month programme has been successfully completed and has achieved fruitful outcomes in advancing participants knowledge and skills. Additionally, several productive projects have been implemented for developing human resource management system, academic and research excellence of the university.

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