
MFU Student Wins the Medallion of Excellence in the 44th World Skills Abu Dhabi 2017

Categories: ข่าวภาษาอังกฤษ

      With his outstanding skills, Mr. Yothin Sinwiapromarach, student from the Beauty Technology programme in the School of Cosmetic Science was selected to be one of 26 Thai competitors participating in the 44th World Skills Abu Dhabi 2017 from 14 -19 October 2017 and successfully caught the Medallian of Excellence in the Beauty Therapy category. 

      The World Skills Abu Dhabi 2017 is the world championship of vocational skills focusing on vocational education and training. This year, there were 1,252 competitors from 58 countries and regions participating in 51 different skills.

      In this competition, Mr. Yothin competed in the Beauty Therapy category which required him to take challenges of offering specialist treatment services and advice for the care of skin and body, including massage and make-up. 

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