
Cooking@Home: Sharing Culture with Friends

     To keep our students engaged while studying from home, the Global Relations Division in collaboration with the International Students Club held the special online event “Cooking@Home” during 8-20 January 2021.

     The Cooking@ Home event aimed at providing opportunities for MFU international and Thai students both staying on campus and overseas to interact virtually through a series of online cooking classes. Many Thai and international students joined this event as the organisers and taught how to cook their traditional dishes including Coconut milk stewed pumpkin and Hainese chicken rice from Thailand; Kewa Datshi (Potato cheese curry) and Ema Datshi (Chili cheese curry) from Bhutan; Di San Xian (Chinese sautéed potato eggplants and green peppers) from China; Filipino Chicken ADOBO (Chicken braised in vinegar and soy sauce) from the Philippines; Ta La Pauk Curry (Bamboo shoot soup with rice flour) and A Sone Thoke (Salad with noodle) from Myanmar; Tteok-guk (Korean rice cake soup) from Korea; and Perkedel Kentang (Potato Fritters) from Indonesia.

     As cuisine can express each country or community’s unique the way of life, thoughts and culture, this cooking event not only gave student a chance to create memorable moment together but also helped them learn and appreciate other people’s cultures from an amazing cooking experience.


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