
School of Agro-Industry

The School aims to provide high quality teaching and research in areas of food science and technology and postharvest technology with professional ethics and responsibility to maintain and enhance professional competent by continuing updating and improving their knowledge and proficiency in its application.

List of All Study Programmes

  • Bachelor’s Degree
    • Innovative Food Science and Technology
    • Postharvest Technology and Logistics
    • Dual Bachelor's Degree Programmes
      - Postharvest Technology and Logistics 
      - Logistics and Supply Chain Management 
  • Master’s Degree
    • Innovative Food Science and Technology
    • Postharvest Technology and Innovation
  • Doctoral Degree
    • Innovative Food Science and Technology


School directory

Asst. Prof. Dr.Natthawuddhi Donlao

Asst. Prof. Dr.Natthawuddhi Donlao

Lecturer in Food Science and Technology Programme

Tel: +66 (0) 5391 6749
E-mail: natthawuddhi.don@mfu.ac.th


Ph.D. Bioresource Science, Chiba University, Japan
M.E. Food Engineering, King Mongkut’s University of Technology Thonburi, Thailand
B.Sc. Food Science and Technology, Chiangmai University, Thailand



  • Postharvest and food engineering
  • Impacts of environmental factors and manufacturing practices on end-use quality and digestibility of foods
  • Effect of process unit operation on tea quality
  • In vitro digestive recovery of bioactive compounds as affected by food processing
  • Medicinal foods and alternative food sources


Donlao, N. and Ogawa, Y. 2019. The influence of processing conditions on catechin, caffeine and chlorophyll contents of green tea (Camelia sinensis) leaves and infusions. LWT – Food Science and Technology 116-108567.

Ogawa, Y., Donlao, N., Thuengtung, S., Tian, J., Cai, Y., Reginio Jr, F. C., Ketnawa, S., Yamamoto, N. and Tamura, M. 2018. Impact of food structure and cell matrix on digestibility of plant-based food. Current Opinion in Food Science 19: 36-41.

Donlao, N. and Ogawa, Y. 2018. Impacts of processing conditions on digestive recovery of polyphenolic compounds and stability of the antioxidant activity of green tea infusion during in vitro gastrointestinal digestion. LWT – Food Science and Technology 89: 648-656.

Donlao, N., Matsushita, Y. and Ogawa, Y. 2018. Influence of postharvest drying conditions on resistant starch content and quality of non-waxy long-grain rice (Oryza sativa L.). Drying Technology 36(8): 952-964.

Donlao, N. and Ogawa, Y. 2017. Impact of postharvest drying conditions on in vitro starch digestibility and estimated glycemic index of cooked non-waxy long grain rice (Oryza sativa L.). Journal of the Science of Food and Agriculture 97(3): 896-901.

Ogawa,Y. and Donlao, N. 2018. Effect of Postharvest Drying Condition on Starch Digestibility of Cooked Rice. 한국농업기계학회 학술발표논문집 23(1): 84-85.

Book chapter:

Kaur, L. and Donlao, N. “Tea Antioxidants As Affected by Environmental Factors”. 2018. A chapter in Stress Physiology of Tea in the Face of Climate Change. Edited by Wen-Yan Han et al. Springer Nature [DOI: 0.1007/978-981-13-2140-5_14]."




Contact School

School of Agro-Industry

Mae Fah Luang University

333 Moo1, Thasud, Muang, Chiang Rai 57100
0 5391 6738
0 5391 6739