The School aims to provide academic and professional excellence in the field of integrated medicine with international standards and to promote health care through Traditional Thai Medicine, Traditional Chinese Medicine, Physical Therapy and other related therapies.
Assistant Dean/ Head of Applied Thai Traditional Medicine Programme
Tel: +66 (0) 5391 6609
Pravaree Phuneerub, Kanchana Chomchoei, Chonnipa Samart, Yosita Intep, Waranya Pannuan,Woraruthai Charoenporn, Dr.Jongkon Saising, Phytochemicals screening, cytotoxicity and biologicalactivities of ethanol extract of muehlenbeckia platyclada aerial part, 1st International Conference onIntegrative Medicine, 7-8 October 2019, Chaing Rai, 57100.
Pravaree Phuneerub, Aim Supranprakarn, Jitlekha Kittisrisawai, Nut Pullasiri and DolnaphaLertseranee, PHYTOCHEMICALS SCREENING, CYTOTOXIC AND ANTIOXIDANT ACTIVITIESOF LUFFA ACUTANGULA (L.) ROXB. FRUITS AND SEEDS EXTRACTS Proceeding of 1st International Conference on Globalisation of traditional medicine 2018 6-7
December 2018, Chaing Rai, 57100, 194-204
Rawiwan Charoensup, Thidarat Duangyod, Pravaree Phuneerub, and Chatubhong Singharachai. Pharmacognostic specification of Zanthoxylum limonella (Dennst.) Alston: Fruits and seeds inThailand. Journal of Advanced Pharmaceutical Technology & Research. 7(4), 2016 :134–138
Sunisa, D., Pravaree, P., Chanida, P., Nijsiri, R., and Pasarapa, T. Antinociceptive and anti-inflammatory activities of Tree-Phon-Thad remedy. The Thai Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences 38(2014): 156-209.
Phuneerub, P., Limpanasithikul, W., Palanuvej, C. and Ruangrungsi, N. In vitro anti-inflammatory, mutagenic and antimutagenic activities of ethanolic extract of Clerodendrum paniculatum root. Journal of Advanced Pharmaceutical Technology & Research 6 (2015): 48-52.
Phuneerub, P., Palanuvej, C. and Ruangrungsi, N. Pharmacognostic specification, mutagenic andantimutagenic properties of Cymbopogon nardus roots in Thailand. Journal of Chemical andPharmaceutical Research 6 (2014): 389-396.