English Language Lecturer
Tel: +66 (0) 5391 6721
E-mail: maneerat.chu@mfu.ac.th
ภาษาศาสตร์ประยุกต์ การสอนภาษาอังกฤษ
Boonwirat, N., Chuaychoowong, M. & Boonsathorn, S. (2018). Effects of Inquiry- Based Mobile Learning (IBML) on University Students’ Questioning and Public Speaking Skills. วารสารวิชาการมหาวิทยาลัยฟาร์อีสเทอร์น 12(1) (มกราคม-มีนาคม 2561) , 283-303.
Chuaychoowong, M. (2016). Reflection and journal writing: A case study of Thai EFL learners. Proceedings of GEN TEFL International Conference, Phitsanulok, Thailand.
Chuaychoowong, M. (2017).Diversity or Adversity : Intercultural Learning in Higher Education.Proceeding The 10th International Conference of HUSOC Network on “Dynamics of Humanitiese and Social Sciences in Cross-Border Societies”
Chuaychoowong, M. (2018). Analysis of Higher Education Policy: A Look Back at Two Decades of University Autonomy in Thailand. วารสารปัญญาภิวัฒน์ 10(2) (พฤษภาคม-สิงหาคม 2561). 303-314.
Chuaychoowong, M. (2019). Linguistic Landscape on Campus: A Case Study of a Thai University, RSU Internasional Research Conference 2019 (26 April 2019)
Denprapat, O. & Chuaychoowong, M. (2016). Using Flipped Classroom Model to Develop English Competency and Independent Attributes of Mathayom Suksa 1 Students at Mengraiwitthayakhom School. วารสารสังคมศาสตร์ วิชาการ 9(2) พ.ค.-ส.ค. 2559,
Linguistic Landscape in Universities: A Comparative Study of Functions of Signs in Three Asian Universities.15th National and 2nd International Conference on Humanities and Social Sciences (Virtual Conference.
Maneerat Chuaychooowong, Wilailuck Boonkluab. (2018). A Comparative Study of English Idiomatic Expressions Containing Human Body Parts with Thai Equivalents. The 11th International Conference of HUSOC Network (Embodying World’s New Conditions and Values). 70.
Nayos, S. & Chuaychoowong, M. (2017) Thai Students’ Perceptions towards Self-Study and the Use of a Self-Access Language Learning Center. MFU Connexion 6, MFU Connexion, Vol.6 No. 1 Jan-Jun 2017 p.243-268.
Xu, L. & Chuaychoowong, M. (2017). A case study of teachers’ beliefs and practices with English-Medium Instruction (EMI) at Mae Fah Luang university. Proceedings of International Conference 2017 Doing Research in Applied Linguistics 3 and 19th English in South-East Asia Conference 2017 (DRAL 3/19th ESEA) 22-24 June 2017, KMUTT Knowledge Exchange for Innovation Center (KX), Bangkok, Thailand.